【Registration Closed】2023-24年度 聽障人士籃球同樂日 (4/2/2024)
2024 年 1 月 16 日【運動教室 101】【運動教室 101】第五十六集:聾人/聽障跆拳道 【Learning Sports 101】Episode 56 – Deaf Taekwondo【運動教室 101】
2024 年 2 月 7 日
本會於2023年12月8日舉行之會員周年大會通過更改本會名稱,及後已取得公司註冊處批准,本會之中英文名稱由「香港聾人體育總會有限公司」及「Hong Kong Sports Association of the Deaf Company Limited」 更改為「中國香港聾人體育總會有限公司」及「Hong Kong, China Sports Association of the Deaf Company Limited」。而本會的英文縮寫經執行委員會通過由「HKSAD」改為「HKCSAD」,並已更新本會標誌。而本會的電郵已更改為info@hkcsad.org.hk,此外,網址已更新為www.hkcsad.org.hk ,敬請留意。
此外,本會之銀行戶口名稱將更改為「中國香港聾人體育總會有限公司」及「Hong Kong, China Sports Association of the Deaf Company Limited」。
Notice - Change of Company Name: Hong Kong, China Sports Association of the Deaf Company Limited
A Special Resolution was passed in the Annual General Meeting of our Association held on 8 December 2023. With the approval of Companies Registry, the Chinese and English names of our Association have been changed from “香港聾人體育總會有限公司” and “Hong Kong Sports Association of the Deaf Company Limited” to “中國香港聾人體育總會有限公司” and “Hong Kong, China Sports Association of the Deaf Company Limited”. The association’s English abbreviation has been changed from “HKSAD” to “HKCSAD” after approval by the Executive Committee, and the association’s logo also updated. The email address of association updated as info@hkcsad.org.hk. Additionally, our website updated as www.hkcsad.org.hk.
The name of our bank account will be revised to "Hong Kong, China Sports Association of the Deaf Company Limited" in English and "中國香港聾人體育總會有限公司" in Chinese.
Should you have any queries, please contact us at 3104 1213 or by email info@hkcsad.org.hk.
Hong Kong, China Sports Association of the Deaf Company Limited